Have you been following the wooden-headed world of woke? The nonsensical, fatuous, obtuse, moronic, dimwitted, imbecilic, and dopey world of woke? Admittedly, the word means different things to different people. To read a broad view of the varied meanings click here.
One of the least divisive definitions of woke I found is “alert to and aware of issues of social justice.” That sounds fine to me, but the actual effects of this wokeness are, to be honest, frightening.
As I reported in my last post, simple words like field have been banned in some woke circles because the word “may not be benign” to descendants of slaves, and immigrants. Go figure! And the “woke” get even wackier.
This woke cult has invaded supposedly rational organizations and left them scratching their respective heads for words that won’t “dehumanize” someone. Really! Apparently even calling a person a “woman” can be offensive.
Dealing with the horror
How can one deal with that horror? Well, the American Cancer Society jumped aboard and recommended cancer screenings for “individuals with a cervix,” while the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention prefers “breastfeeding people.” (But be careful! Others recoil at that description and opt for “chest feeding” people). Not to be outdone, the Cleveland Clinic came up with “people who menstruate.” (That of course excludes a considerable number of older women who no longer menstruate. But medical logic be damned at the Cleveland Clinic!)
Here’s another example: The Lancet medical journal wrote about “bodies with vaginas.” Are you in tune with that approach by the Brits, or do you think they too have gone crazy? If you are a woman, I have another question. Do you feel better when others avoid that simple descriptive noun and refer to you by using one of the above alternatives? If you don’t feel better, or if you are possibly surprised by the change, you might want to unite with other women of the world, and bombard these idiots with the ridicule they deserve.
Nicholas Kristof
As one would imagine, thoughtful individuals on the left naturally have recognized the damage that wokeness may do to Democrats. Here’s how Nicholas Kristof, writing in the New York Times, expressed it. I fear that our linguistic contortions, however well-meant, aren’t actually addressing our country’s desperate inequities or achieving progressive dreams, but rather are creating fuel for right-wing leaders aiming to take the country in the opposite direction.
I’m not sure exactly what Kristof meant by the “opposite direction,” but he is correct that these word manipulations by woke folks aren’t addressing real problems, many of which begin with education and security (or lack thereof) in the inner cities, the sites where genuine progress could, and should, be made.
Kristof might have added that the fuel he mentioned, that provided by those woke folks, is likely ignited in more than just right-wing leaders. That fuel surely flares up in people who line up across the political spectrum, often raising their temperatures to fever levels.
The woke crowd also has come under attack by noted comedian Bill Maher. He has said, Woke … I only heard the term three or four years ago … and it was, like, alert to injustice? OK, I’m down with that. But he went on-
Maher’s opinion
It became sort of a by-word for a lot of this goofy stuff, that’s what I’m always railing against.
In a recent interview with Jake Trapper of CNN, Maher said this. I mean, five years ago, Abraham Lincoln was not a controversial figure among liberals. We liked him. Now they take his name off schools and tear down his statues. Really, Abraham Lincoln isn’t good enough for you? Maher went on:
Woke, which started out as a good thing, ‘Alert to injustice’ — who could be against that? — but it became sort of an eye roll, because they love diversity, except of ideas,” Maher said. “And that’s not really where we should be. I mean they have a trail of very bad ideas, I would think.”
A Maher quote worth pondering
But then you have Trumpers and then you have wokesters, he continued. And, you know, those fringes are not doing this country any great favors.
Maher also voiced what I, and many others, have noticed. I believe what I’ve always believed, he said last year. Then, referring to the woke crowd, he said, You change these things and then you yell at me for it.
I’ve recognized the same phenomenon over my long life. As some of you may remember, I’ve reported here earlier that I was a Kennedy Democrat in college (see here). I still hold to the same principles. I believe everyone should have equal opportunities, and equal freedoms, regardless of race, religion, or other preferences. But the political landscape has shifted steadily over the years. Although I have not changed my values, I find myself now astride a spot a bit to the right of the shifting middle line.
If you enjoy reading these posts, please pass them on to others. I don’t know what topic I’ll dig into next, but I’ll try not to bore you. Stay tuned.
Great article. In my opinion most “woke” new definitions are counter-productive and people just make fun of them.
I’m glad you liked it, Mary, and I appreciate your comment.