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Donald Trump’s Final Grade, Re-posted with Addendum
I’m re-posting Donald Trump’s Final Grade (it appeared here nearly three years ago) for four important reasons: 1) Odds are high that Trump will again be the Republican candidate for our presidency. 2) If he does become a candidate, he will face a cacophony of denunciation from the mainstream media. 3) The flood of denunciation […]
Biden or Trump? Neither! We Need Better Candidates.
Biden or Trump? Neither! We need better candidates. Our upcoming primary elections must rid us of this pathetic pair of presidential nominees. If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know I’ve harped on this topic a number of times earlier (see here, here, and here), but the situation continues to needle me. […]
Here’s More About Burned-Out Doctors
Here’s more about burned-out doctors. After I posted my physician burnout report (see that here), someone sent me the program of the American Conference on Physician Health that was held just days earlier (October 11-13) in Palm Desert, California. (For more resources on doctor burnout click here.) This was the 7th annual Conference on Physician […]
Is Your Doctor Burned Out? Probably.
Is your doctor burned out? Probably. According to a recent “Physician Burnout and Wellness” survey conducted by Medical Economics, two out of every three physicians (68%), are feeling burned out. Should you care? As a patient, absolutely. Read on. “I feel a loss of empathy and compassion for my patients,” said one burned-out doctor. “Everyone […]
Biden versus Trump: What Can We Do?
Biden versus Trump: What Can We Do? I’ve written about this problem before (see here and here), but events continue to move in the wrong direction. Will we have the opportunity to vote for a candidate we actually prefer during our next presidential election? Doesn’t look like it. Both Biden and Trump have unfavorable ratings […]
Does a Striking Football Player let his Teammates Down?
Does a striking football player let his teammates down? That question came up recently, and I’ve taken a crack at answering it. To come up with a reasonable answer, I’ve tried to imagine that I’m a valuable player on an outstanding professional football team, the reigning Super Bowl champion, no less, and I’ve further assumed […]
Lose Weight and Become Healthier for $1,350/Month (or Free)
Lose weight and become healthier for $1,350/month? Yep, you can do it, at least according to the preliminary results reported yesterday by Novo Nordisk on its drug, Wegovy, a drug that sets users back over a grand per month (Novo Nordisk funded the research study that has not yet been peer reviewed or published). Or […]
Oppenheimer, the Movie: A Blogger’s Review
Oppenheimer, the Movie: A Blogger’s Review. Be forewarned! This is not a typical movie critic’s review (i.e., the refined opinion of someone who sees endless films weekly and thus is well attuned to the thunderous volumes and computer-generated enactments of most present-day movies. Rather, I offer a very brief opinion from the perspective of a […]
Should Artificial Intelligence be your Doctor? A Warning
Should artificial intelligence be your doctor? A warning for you. As I’ve mentioned here recently, AI is an amazing animal. As a “Chatbot,” AI can respond like a human with seemingly infinite knowledge. But to me AI is something of a murky creature facing an undefined future. Despite its eloquence, AI, in its ChatGPT form, […]
Two Odes to the Heart, by Artificial Intelligence
Here are two odes to the heart written by that rapidly emerging poet (and soon to be anointed Poet Laureate of the World), Artificial Intelligence, or, as it prefers to be known by its common designation, AI. Each ode, AI might tell you modestly, was composed in a flash and printed out completely within a […]