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You Okay With This? I’m Not!
You okay with this? I’m not! Health care costs have zoomed into the stratosphere. And what the government pays for Medicare and Medicaid ultimately comes from the pockets of us taxpayers. As I have argued here before (click here to see), increasing government involvement surely has been a major factor in the incredulous increase in […]
Pop Quiz on Successful Immigrants
Pop quiz on successful immigrants. I’m posting this because it goes against much current thought, and some of the facts I’ve learned surprised me. More importantly, I believe there is an important take-home message from this pop quiz. Please continue reading. After digesting the clues below, can you identify what country these immigrants came from? […]
Biden – Trump Fallout
Biden – Trump fallout. Multiple echoes from Thursday’s presidential debate continue to thunder loudly across the country, and across the entire world for that matter. No surprise there. The debate fanned sparks having international consequences. Because of my impression that most European leaders much prefer Biden over Trump, I took time to see what politicians […]
My Biden-Trump Error
My Biden-Trump Error. Wow! I did not see that debate coming. I thought I was on solid ground when I made my prediction about the aftermath of the Biden-Trump tussle. I would have given odds on it, but, to be honest, I missed by the proverbial country mile. Here’s what I said hours before the […]
Biden – Trump Fracas: Bets?
Biden – Trump Fracas: Bets? Do you have money on this brawl? If so, be warned. It may be hard to collect. After the debate, those with vested interests on either side will declare their combatant the victor. Are you going to watch the fracas? The debate itself starts at 8 p.m. central time on CNN […]
Wild Pharmacy Prices: Buyer Beware!
Wild pharmacy prices: Buyer beware of what you pay for your medications. A few hours ago, I bought some eye-drops at my local CVS pharmacy. The price for the drops, which contain two active ingredients, was $48.23 when using my Medicare Part D insurance (I won’t mention the insurer, because I’m generally pleased with the […]
Biden versus Trump: Again?
Biden versus Trump: Again? I know, you’re probably sick of the story, as am I. I’ve covered aspects of this dismal presidential race in earlier posts (see here, here, here, and here). But the bad vibrations from these two bunglers keep jangling the nerves of most of us. Just today, a former editor and now […]
Bill Maher’s Grave Warning
Bill Maher’s grave warning appears in today’s issue of the Wall Street Journal (18 May 2024. ). His entire article [a must read] can be found here. That article, “Red and Blue America Can’t Just Go Their Separate Ways“, warns of the dangers lurking in our increasingly divided country. “I love historians,” Maher begins. “In […]
The Quotable Bill Maher
The quotable Bill Maher was in the news again this week. He rarely fails to make interesting comments. Although Maher often expresses moderately liberal views, his political alignments are difficult to sort out. He’s not consistently on the left. For example, he is no fan of political correctness (he’s been quoted as saying, “Liberals protect […]
Vaccinations − and Politics?
Vaccinations − and Politics? Stick with science! Vaccination saves lives. I earlier posted on this site two essays on the importance of vaccinations in preventing, or attenuating, serious diseases. My first essay focused on Benjamin Franklin’s bitter regret that he had not “inoculated” his four-year-old son who died of small pox. (See that post here.) […]