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Our Little Irritations
Our Little Irritations. I think most of us sense them, those petty events that set off little twinges, those inconsequential triggers that blip on our radar and cause us to respond as predictably as Pavlov’s dog (or at least I do) when our bell rings. For me, it’s usually a word, or phrase, that rings […]
Medical topics in 2025
Medical topics for 2025. Happy New Year, readers! You may have noticed that I skimmed through the holiday season without writing anything here. Nevertheless, I have been thinking of topics to be considered in 2025. I plan to focus more on medicine, medical costs, and various methods believed to prolong lives, and to healthy living, […]
Absurd Prescription Drug Costs!
Absurd prescription drug costs! It is hard to believe that prices for a month’s supply of dozens of prescription medicines can differ by thousands of dollars, depending on where you buy them and what insurance plan (if any) you may use. Just last month The Journal of the American Medical Association published “Strategies to Help […]
My Harris-Trump Choice
My Harris-Trump choice drained me. But I finally have determined which candidate I will vote AGAINST. My decision came in a flash, thanks to an unexpected epiphany that focused on factors I had not even considered earlier. An examination of those factors revealed which of these sorry candidates scares me more. Like many of you, […]
The Agonizing Harris-Trump Race
The agonizing Harris – Trump race has created a dilemma for at least half of our country’s voters, I among them. Millions of us find both candidates unfit for the job. To summarize my own view, I rate these two nominees as the least desirable pair to run for the presidency throughout the 70 years […]
DEI is Dying
DEI is dying in higher education, and in major businesses. To consider higher education first, an extensive article in today’s The New York Times Magazine describes the history of DEI at the University of Michigan. Written by Nicholas Confessore, an investigative reporter for The Times, the article’s title and subhead ably summarize one of its […] is restored is restored. I learned yesterday that some readers logging on to my website were able to land on my home page but could not access any posts from there. I alerted the tech guys at KC Web Specialists, and they soon had things back in order. So, for those of you who missed my […]
Scientific American’s Presidential Endorsement
Scientific American‘s presidential endorsement disappointed me. As a person gritting my teeth about the upcoming election, I had hopes of finding some logical and reasonable arguments in this “scientific” article. You’ve probably heard about the endorsement, or maybe you’ve even have read it. It appeared a few days ago, accompanied by the rather proud boast […]
Important Differences between Democrats and Republicans (Part 2)
Important differences between Democrats and Republicans were covered in my last post, with focus on the Democrats, and following the theme of Ezra Klein of The New York Times, who claimed that Democrats are united in their belief that the government can, and should, act on behalf of the public. In contrast, Mr. Klein characterized […]
Important Differences between Democrats and Republicans.
Important differences between Democrats and Republicans were revealed recently by Ezra Klein in The New York Times (see here). Mr. Klein was laser-focused as he encapsulated the current Democratic party (see below). Democrats according to Klein Democrats are united in their belief that the government can, and should, act on behalf of the public. To […]